Certified to NSFANSI 61 Standards

Nov. 15, 2012

Val-Matic’s TiltedDisc Check Valve is the first NSF/ANSI 61-certified device for potable waterin all sizes. The valve is available as a basicvalve or with optional …

Val-Matic’s TiltedDisc Check Valve is the first NSF/ANSI 61-certified device for potable waterin all sizes. The valve is available as a basicvalve or with optional bottom-mounted oil dashpot and top-mounted oildashpot in sizes from two inches to 72 inches. The valve is offered in125B, 150B and 250B AWWA classes for pressures up to 400 PSIG. The valve provides energy efficient cost savings overthe life of the valve through its hydrodynamically designed disc, 40 percentgreater than pipe flow area, and streamlined body. The tilted discprovides low headloss for a check valve.

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