Macro Sensors”24V DC-LVDT position sensors are now available in metric versions.Constructed entirely of stainless steel, the HSE/HSER 750 Series of19.0 mm diameter DC-operated LVDTs are hermetically sealed, making themimpervious to dirt, water, steam, and other corrosive elements. TheCE-approved units are a good fit for use in hydraulic cylinderpositioning, valve position sensing, automatic assembly equipment, andother industrial applications with hostile conditions and corrosiveenvironments. The sensor’s coil windings are sealed against hostileenvironments to IEC standard IP-68. The housing, bore liner, andend washers are TIG welded, providing a hermetic seal free fromoxidation-producing faults that may cause leakage. Available in rangesof 2.5 mm to 500 mm, the position sensors feature high resolution,repeatability (repeatability error <+/-0.01 percent of FSO), and lowhysteresis (hysteresis error <+/-0.01 percent of FSO). Standardmaximum linearity error for any of these DC-operated sensors is<0.25 percent of full-scale output using a statistically best-fitstraight line derived by the least-squares method. Operating from24 V DC (nominal) or 12-26 V DC, 25 mA (max), the HSE/HSER Series 750LVDTs offer a full-scale output of 0 to 10 V DC.