McCrometer”sV-Cone flowmeter now conforms to the American Petroleum Institute’s API22.2 Testing Protocol for differential-pressure flow measurementdevices. The flowmeter requires virtually no recalibration ormaintenance over a long service life. The meter accurately measuresdisturbed flow and doesn’t require the upstream and downstream piperuns of other flowmeters. The meter supports measurement of liquid,steam, or gas and supports a wide range of oil/gas production, pipelinedelivery, and petroleum refining applications. The meter relies on anadvanced differential-pressure flow technology designed with built-inflow conditioning to achieve an accuracy of +/- 0.5 percent, with arepeatability of +/- 0.1 percent. It operates over a flow rangeof 10-to-one and comes in line sizes from 1/2″ to 120 inches.