Capable of Multi-Million Lifecycle Performance

Nov. 15, 2012

Humphrey Products”320/420 Series 1/4″ ported three-way and four-way direct-actingsolenoid valves have proven capable of multi-million lifecycleperformance. A controlled, short-stroke, balanced poppet design permitsrapid cycling and …

Humphrey Products”320/420 Series 1/4″ ported three-way and four-way direct-actingsolenoid valves have proven capable of multi-million lifecycleperformance. A controlled, short-stroke, balanced poppet design permitsrapid cycling and is tolerant of impurities in the air system, ensuringpositive sealing. The valves have a Cv of 1.0 and are rated for air andinert gas from vacuum at 28-inches Hg to 125 PSIG. The 320 Seriesvalves are designed for inline mounting, while the 420 Series valvescan be mounted either inline or on a manifold using a subbase. Bothmodels can be inserted into Humphrey-design custom manifolds to createcompact assemblies that can fit into tight or unusual spaces. Thevalves feature a continuous-duty coil with a power consumption of 8.0watts, flying leads, and a push, nonlocking manual override asstandard.The valves are available in a range of AC and DC voltages. Optionsinclude DC surge suppression and AC MOV and a plug-in, DIN-typeconnector base.

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