General Monitors”HazardWatch integrated fire and gas detection system is a safetymonitoring solution designed to help process and plant engineersprotect their operations, equipment, and staff from fire andcombustible gases. The system”s controller, hardware configuration, andsoftware have been tested and certified by Factory Mutual to verifyNFPA 72 compliance. This includes certification for centralstation monitoring, as both a fire alarm panel and gas controller, forfault tolerant digital communications, and as a releasing controlpanel. HazardWatch is a modular system that combines a programmablelogic controller (PLC) platform with General Monitors’ advanced gas andflame field devices. It is scalable, making it suitable for smallsystems to large plant-wide applications. Up to 13 local gas and firealarm panels can operate over a wide network of up to 25 kilometers inlength. The system features a standalone local fire and gas alarm panelwith a color touch screen with a human-machine interface (HMI) that isalso FM approved for central station monitoring. The system’soptional HazardNet dual-media (coaxial cable or fiber optic),fault-tolerant communications network supports communication betweenthe local gas and flame panels and the optional HazardWatch CentralStation with a HazardView Workstation that is AC-powered with UPSbackup. The system supports MODBUS, Ethernet, or ControlNetcommunication for interfacing with DCS or ESD systems. Integration withthird-party devices, such as horns, beacons, smoke detectors, andsuppression systems, is possible. The system comes with a power systemand battery backup that complies with NFPA 72 standards. It is a goodfit for monitoring applications in oil/gas production, petrochemicalrefining, LNG & LPG plants and pipelines, electric powergeneration, aerospace launch facilities, warehouse and storagefacilities, automotive plants, and any industry where hydrocarbonvapors are a potential threat.