GF Piping Systems”Signet 2537 paddlewheel flow sensor is a blind system that offers a variety of output options in a single unit toreduce overall system costs by eliminating the need for unnecessarycomponents. Output options include four to 20 mA, pulse divided, SignetS3L data link, and several other output configurations. Typical applications include water andwastewater treatment, chemical processing, and pump protection.Thesensor is available with avariety of body and rotor pin materials. Material choices includepolypropylene and PVDF for corrosion resistance and maximum purity withfluids rangingfrom ultrapure water to the harshest reagents. The unit can beordered with digital S3L or 4 to 20 output, dry contact or solid-statepulse divider, or dry contact or solid-state flow switch. Usingthe digitalS3L model, the flow sensor can be connected to GF Piping’s Signet 8900multi-parameter controller to expand the number of flow inputs from twoto six. The flow sensor”s performancecharacteristics include a wide dynamic flow range from as low as 0.3feet per second to 20 feet per second (with repeatability of +/- 0.5 percent ofreading). All models feature a repeatable output of +/- 0.5 percentof maximum range at 77 F (25 C) and an input frequency range of one Hz to1000 Hz.