Dynasonics’DFX Doppler ultrasonic flowmeter features intelligent softwarealgorithms to monitor incoming signal quality and flowmeter performance— both during initial startup and continuously during operation —making automatic adjustments to nullify changing liquid conditions.Installation can be performed without special tools, training, orspecialized software. The Series DFX is built on the sameframework of the Series TFX transit-time ultrasonic flowmeter. Featurescommon to the TFX and DFX system include: NEMA 4X [IP66] enclosure,field replaceable isolated output modules, large character backlit LCD,auto-ranging rate display, and impedance-matched ultrasonic transducerconnections. The DFX also includes a digital mixer circuit that isresistant to measurement errors caused by electrical noise and otherultrasonic products. The clamp-on pipe transducer is rated toNEMA 6P [IP68], supports temperatures up to 400 F (200 C), and can belocated up to 1,000 feet from the DFX display enclosure. An insertionprobe transducer is available for installation on pipe systems that donot permit ultrasound penetration. The system can measure flow on pipesizes larger than 1/8 inch [3 mm] and flowrates from 0.15 to greaterthan 30 FPS (0.05 to 9+ MPS).