Watson-MarlowBredel’s 520Di and 620Di dispensing pumps and Pumpsil, Pumpsil-D, andBioprene tubing are a good fit for pharmaceutical applications.The 520/620 family of peristaltic pumps are designed for dosing andtransferring of corrosive or sensitive fluids in sanitaryenvironments. The pumps meet the requirements of filtration,fermentation, and dispensing applications, meeting full quality testingstandards. The 520Di (pictured here) featuresinherent dispensing and dosing programming to handle delicatelaboratory environments and support the accuracy required for fillinglines in biotech and pharmaceutical production. The new 520 pumpheadfeatures a large swept volume with low friction stainless steelrollers. The pumphead’s large diameter track and low rotational speeds(0.1 RPM resolution) provide long tube life and gentle handling ofshear sensitive fluids. The pumphead accepts eight different tubingmaterials and sizes up to 9.6 mm for flowrates ranging from fourmicroliters/min up to 3.5 liters/min at 30 PSI. The 620 pumphead iscapable of 4.8 GPM (18 liters/min) and pressures up to 60 PSI.