Quiz Takers Spur Heart-Health Donation on Pump Appreciation Day
Thousands of people around the world know how much beer is pumped at the world”s largest brewery, the average efficiency of industrial pumps, and more after taking the “World of Pumps” quiz from ITT Goulds Pumps over the past five months.
April 1 ended round one of the quiz, an online series of questions aimed at raising awareness of the role industrial pumps play in modern life, while generating company donations to teach first aid and CPR around the world. ITT Goulds Pumps will announce the donation during the April 10 observance of Pump Appreciation Day, “an international celebration of pumps as the heart of industry.”
More than 10,800 people from 153 countries clicked in over 20 weeks to take all or part of the 10-question first round of the quiz. In addition to the beer-production query (Piedras Negras, Mexico, is home to Grupo Modelo, maker of Corona beer, which produces 30 million hectoliters per year at full capacity) they faced questions such as:
- What is the average operating efficiency of industrial process pumps (30 to 40 percent)?
- What is the location of a pump that was originally installed in 1900 and is about to be put back into service (Indonesia)?
- In oil refining, how often the failure of a pump”s mechanical seal results in a fire (about one out of 1,000 seal failures)
See all of the questions and answers at www.worldofpumpsquiz.com.
ITT Goulds Pumps will offer new rounds of the quiz later this year.
For other Pump Appreciation Day initiatives visit www.pumpappreciationday.com.